Trade in comfort at any time of day with dark mode and experience the best Matcha’s signature design in every environment.
Dark mode has arrived! Immerse yourself in rich midnight tones evoking gunpowder tea and 2AM token swaps, and trade in comfort throughout the night with the genre-defining aesthetic you know and love. It’s just what you’ve been waiting for, and it’s even more beautiful than you hoped. Flip the switch!
Hello darkness my old fren
Ready to go dark? Just click on the dropdown next to your connected wallet and select Appearance to adjust your color settings. We’ve meticulously mapped Matcha’s vibrant daytime palette to an elegant new color scheme of shadowy chic, so you can tap in and out of dark mode on a whim.

Many of you use Matcha for your everyday trading. Now, you can also enjoy it every night without interruption. Choose the System setting to adapt your color mode to your system defaults, and Matcha will switch to dark mode when the sun goes down and brighten up in the morning as you trade your way through the day.
You ask, we ship!
Did you know you can ask for new features directly on Matcha? Over one hundred users did exactly that to make Dark Mode one of the most-requested features of the past few months. We heard you, and we made it happen. Now you can spend those long winter nights fully locked in, without straining your retinas. What would you like us to ship next?
Do you have a feature you want Matcha to develop? Here’s how to make a request:

- Go to any page on and click the green circle in the bottom-right.
- Scroll down and click Give feedback.
- Click the green plus (+) sign or search for an existing request.
- Enter your request name and a description. If a similar request already exists, just upvote it!