Matcha’s will always try find you the best price for your trade by aggregating over 13 liquidity sources. It's now cheaper to get Uniswap liquidity through Matcha than via Uniswap, thanks to 0x API.
Since launching in June, Matcha users have completed over $500M in trading volume! We are thrilled with this response and grateful for the feedback and engagement we’ve received from the community. Going into the final quarter of the year we wanted to make sure we addressed the two biggest pieces of feedback we’ve received:
- Transaction costs are too high, especially for single source orders
- Matcha needs more tokens listed (Big update coming soon, stay tuned!)
Matcha’s goal is to always find you the best price for your trade, plain and simple. We do this by aggregating more than 13 liquidity sources and intelligently splitting up your order across multiple exchanges. But often the best deal can be found on a single exchange like Uniswap. In those instances Matcha has always been more expensive than going directly to the source. However, we’re excited to say this is no longer the case!Starting today, it’s now actually cheaper to access Uniswap liquidity through Matcha than it is to go directly to the Uniswap UI! This is all thanks to the ongoing innovation of 0x API, which powers Matcha. 72% of the time Matcha is able to offer better prices than 1inch, Dex Ag, Paraswap and Uniswap. You can read the full detailed report about how Matcha stacks up against other DEXs.

Matcha outperforms other exchanges ~72% of the time by offering better prices after accounting for gas.
What’s new?
In addition to the Uniswap price optimizations we’re rolling out a few features we designed to give you more control and insight into your trades.
First, when reviewing your order we’ll now show you exactly how much money you’re saving by using Matcha. By comparing ourselves to the next best option.

Next, you’ll notice that most markets on Matcha now have depth charts enabled. Depth charts assist traders by providing an x-ray view into where liquidity is coming from. Drag your mouse over to see how your trade might be distributed across different exchanges in order to receive the best rate.
Finally, in order to have more control over how your trade is executed, we’ve introduced advanced controls. These controls will allow you to toggle on and off liquidity sources, adjust maximum slippage and change gas speed.
Try it today and trade tokens instantly on Matcha!
Today's updates are part of our ongoing commitment to put our users in control by offering an intuitive and trustworthy product experience that consistently saves you time and money. We’re looking forward to hearing what you think! Let us know on Twitter and Telegram.